Barack Obama has been a money machine in the primary season, raising more than $272 million from primarily small donors.
It’s got to leave John McCain, who raised about $122 million, scratching his head as he sizes up his opponent for the general election.
The Politico breaks down what the money story could mean come November, especially if Obama can tap into some of Hillary Clinton’s fundraisers, who raised another 200 million dollars.
Consider this: If each of Obama’s donors gave him $250, he’d have $375 million to play with in the two months leading up to the election – that would mean almost $50 million a week. McCain’s donors number a few hundred thousand. Barack Obama has a rolodex with 1.5 million names in it. Unless John McCain can figure out a way to fatten his wallet, it could be a long slog to November.
Conservative estimates put Obama’s fundraising haul for the general election at about $300 million, an amount that would allow the Democrat to compete in more states than McCain. It could also force McCain to spend money in states that should normally be safe territory for the GOP.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party announced today that it would not accept contributions from Washington lobbyists, putting it in line with Obama’s campaign pledges. Howard Dean and the Obama campaign say that the American people’s priorities, not the special interest groups, will set the agenda in a potential Obama administration.
Here’s my question to you: How can John McCain compete with Barack Obama’s fundraising abilities?
Interested to know which ones made it on air?
Roger from Virginia writes:
After McCain’s speech Tuesday in New Orleans, he will have a tough time raising money. What a disaster that was. He used a backdrop that was a bastardization of Obama’s change theme. Stumbled, stuttered, lost his place on the Teleprompter. What was especially pitiful was when he paused for applause and there wasn’t any.
Sandy from Ohio writes:
Jack, He’ll just do what Republicans always do, take money from all the big corporations. He’ll have his good buddies George Bush and Karl Rove and the rest to show him how it is done. I live on Social Security and I am going to find a few dollars to send Obama each month. We can’t afford for McCain to win.
Sy writes:
He can’t, even with all the GOP big bucks! Wait ’til you see the money donated right after Clinton’s endorsement!
Bob from Honolulu, Hawaii writes:
Thanks, you just reminded me to send Obama another $25. It’s a better investment than my 401K.
Sondra from Phoenix writes:
McCain won’t be able to match Obama’s grassroot support donations, but he will have the Republican money-making machine behind him. He might be able to catch up with Obama in raising funds, but it will be with second or third-hand lobbyist money.
L. writes:
It’s as easy as 1-2-3. I mean 5-2-7.
JW from Georgia writes:
He can’t compete for various reasons, including funds. The Patriot John McSame is going to get beat like a rented mule. He should just have a little fun for the moment, then move on out to pasture to enjoy whatever time he has left. The GOP won’t be choosing White House wallpaper for quite some time to come, courtesy of George W. Bush.
Huckabee, was good evidence that you can do a lot with a little; but I don't think he will have to worry about it.
ruth hunter has hit the nail on the head.
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